Thursday 27 March 2008

You said you didn't want to be as ugly as me, but you are, so there

Yesterday, Matt and I had a double free, so we went to his house because he likes having an excuse for driving in, and I ended up playing Super Mario 64 on his Nintendo 64 for about twenty minutes, seeing as it was lying around. Then we drove back in and went to SPICE, where Karl taught us how to play Gin Rummy properly.
At lunch, because Matt and I had brought in his portable DVD player, ALL of us sat around it in S2 and watched his Top Gear in America (dunno the title) DVD. I mean all of us. Well, except Scott, who wasn't there. But yeah, that was very funny. Jeremy had a murderer's car, which he strapped a dead cow onto, and then reversed so that it fell off, which was really sick, but so morbidly amusing too. James almost drove into a river full of alligators, and we stopped watching just as they were driving through Alabama with messages like "Hillary for President" and "Man Love Rules OK" painted on their cars. We're gonna continue watching it tomorrow lunch.

Today, our Philosophy Synoptic exam finally finished. Yaay!
Ru, Charlotte and I stayed behind after shcool, as we were to set up the Amnesty Party. We were sat in Inger's office, next to the staff room and tutorial rooms, the sixty-five or so balloons we had (including Natalie's tiny booby one, and Charlotte's MASSIVE ones) covering the computers, and decided to get high on coffee. I think I absent-mindedly put about six teaspoonfuls of sugar in mine @_@.
The party was a failure, but Charlotte and I already knew it would be. We laughed a lot, though. It wasn't a party, but that didn't stop it from being really funny. Out of all the students in our school, only Sam Bayliss turned up, which I definitely cannot complain about. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Smith popped in, and Mr. Flett came in for some cake, as it was his birthday. Mrs. Smith kept asking me lots of questions, such as "do you know James Beckwith's phone number" and wondering if I could suggest anybody who really promoted themselves (it only makes sense if you were there at the time). Saffron Walden's Amnesty group head, Pam, turned up for a while too. Andrew Brown, Rosie's dad, was there too, as he was our 'sound technician'. Charlotte and I made the mistake of informing him that we had found beer in the staff room, and he kept suggesting that we go and get some for him, but we decided that was a bad idea. Ru stayed in the end, even though we had music playing. Rosie's friend, Eleanor, came too, which livened things up a little. Lots of balloons popped, which had Charlotte almost ending up as a bundle of nerves.
The party was supposed to last from five-thirty until seven-thirty, but seeing as everyone except Andrew, Rosie, Ru, Eleanor, Charlotte and myself left at six, there was little point in staying until that time, so Charlotte and I left at six-forty-five, taking some cake with us.

The lack of people attending was embarrassing, but at least I was a guest, and not an actual Amnesty member. And we saw bunny rabbits down in the gardens, and the wooden duck had returned to the pond.

And now that I have returned home, I have discovered, upon visiting IMDB that it is Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds from Serenity/Firefly) and Elizabeth Mitchell's (Juliet from LOST) birthday. Aww, happy 37th and 38th to them respectively.

Now playing: Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama Out
via FoxyTunes


redspiderlily said...

Actually, it was Richard Hammond who drove into the alligator pond.

Sophie said...

Actually, that's very true. It was James that got pushed in.