Friday 7 March 2008

Pooh got stuck in Rabbit's hole

Rebecca Mader, who plays the awesome freighty, C.S. Lewis, in this season of LOST has to be one of the funniest people ever. Watch the above video. She cracks me up.

There's another video interview with her; she is talking about her dog, about spending Valentines Day single, and about what she looks for in a man. Even when she slips up and misunderstands a comment or question, she still manages to just smoothly laugh it off.

Anyway, I'm really happy, and she's partly the reason. Last night's episode of LOST was the Juliet-centric one that I've been eagerly awaiting for several weeks now. Well, it lived up to my expectations. Almost immediately, I felt really sorry for the lovely lass, as the beginning was set just a week after she arrived on the island, so she was still meek and submissive and just ... so lovely. She has a therapy session with a woman named Harper, who is instantly portrayed as a bitch, and I'd already figured that she was the wife of Goodwin, with whom Juliet had an affair (that's really not the sort of thing we expect her to do, now, is it? Just goes to show how much the island changed her). In her next flashback, she was crying again (okay, so first time in a while, but she always seems to be emotional in her flashbacks), and I just wanted to hug her. And then she met Goodwin for the first time.
Meanwhile, in the present, she and Jack are chasing down C.S. Lewis and Daniel, who have taken the gas masks and appear to be heading to a new Dharma Station, for some supposedly nefarious purposes. Kate comes across C.S. Lewis and Daniel, and gets knocked out by the former, which - as I mentioned in my previous LOST post - is just a hilarious concept. Jack and Juliet eventually find her, and while Jack is tending to her wounds, Juliet suddenly runs off (she has received word from Ben, through Harper, that she must kill the two freighties. Of course, this is a very sneaky tactic on the part of Ben (would we expect any less of him?) as Juliet probably would not have paid attention to the instruction if anyone but Harper had delivered it).
We find out about Ben's obssession with Juliet, which, frankly, I'm not all that surprised about; we've been getting hints about it for a while now. The scene where she goes over to his for dinner, to discover that it will be just the two of them there, was really really awkward for a moment, although - of course - she managed to keep her cool.
Anyway, what made me really happy about this episode was the scene where she and Charlotte had a big fight in The Tempest, the Dharma station where it turns out C.S. Lewis and Daniel were trying to remove the threat of Ben using some crazy biochemical weapon against everyone on the island. In the end, realising she'd been set up by Ben to kill them, Juliet let the two be, but it was awesome to see a girl vs. girl scuffle for once, in something, especially between two such cool characters. Too often we get men feeling a need to unleash their endless supplies of machismo on each other, simply to prove who's boss. This fight wasn't about ego. It was about being rivals, and having something to fight for that they both believed (I think it's just their personalities that clash, really. The way they treat each other just cracks me up). And Juliet won ^_^. She went back to shoving a gun in Charlotte's face - as you do - and then let Daniel get one with what he was doing anyway.
Then there was the Jack/Juliet moment, though the kiss was nowhere near as passionate as everyone was hyping it up to be. And now I've no idea what she's doing with him (although we can see by the grin on Ben's face at the end of the episode, as he wanders around Otherville freely - much to Hurley and Sawyer's chagrin and confusion - that he so has Locke wrapped around his little finger).

So why am I so happy? Well, because I love Juliet (even though she makes me so sad), we got to see more of Charlotte in this episode (PLUS BIG FIGHT WITH JULES), and because Rebecca Mader is hilarious. She giggles at everything, and makes a joke about everything. She's like me, but cooler. And she's right when she says a sense of humour is the most important thing in a guy. If he can't be arsed to laugh, then nothing's gonna be very fun, is it now?

Now playing: Donna Summers - I'm So Excited
via FoxyTunes

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