Saturday 1 March 2008

The other woman

Last night I watched the latest episode of LOST, which was very very sweet at the end. I've always loved Penny and Desmond, so the ending of The Constant made me very happy, but I was also shaking from worry. What's more is that Desmond's time-travelling took him back to when he was in the army, and thus lovely and clean-shaven and short-haired. He just looks a bit weird with his skin-tone, considering he's spent most of his life in rainy ol' Scotland, but I guess Henry Ian Cusick can't help being part Peruvian now, can he? What I don't get is how Daniel would know that Desmond would be his Constant. I mean, if Daniel were to time-travel back to a point before 1996, then he wouldn't remember Desmond back then.

I'm also really excited about the next episode, mainly because it is Juliet-centric. It seems that in her relationship with Goodwin, she was 'the other woman'. One of the things I loved about this week's episode, though, was her bluntness with C.S. Lewis. I mean, I'm loving Charlotte at the moment too; she's got a lovely British accent (and Rebecca Mader's from Cambridge, so not far away at all!) and she's tomboyish, so no doubt she can kick a bit of arse. But Juliet was totally impatient with her (while remaining so serene, of course) in the last episode, and it cracked me up.
Anyway, I'm all psyched up for a lovely Jacket moment in this next episode, quite possibly in the middle of a nightly rainstorm (from what I've seen of the sneak peeks, but that could just be to mislead me), and even though I'm determined to maintain that Juliet is on the Losties' side, I still can't help but think that she's simply got Jack wrapped around her little finger.
Also shown in one of the sneak peeks was Kate becoming very very suspicious of C.S.Lewis and Dan, finding them still holding onto the gas masks and about to question them when Charlotte knocks her out with the butt of her gun. Let's face it, Kate is no wuss. She's the most action-oriented female on the island. Juliet is very capable (she shot Danny; yaay!), but Kate's the one most likely to shoot some dude in the kneecaps as a torture method, so considering C.S.Lewis knocks her out ... well, Kate ain't gonna be happy about that. That just has me craving more information about Charlotte, too. Like, what the hell is she playing at, and what 'work' does she have to do on the island?
Last thing I have to mention about this upcoming episode; Juliet's flashbacks all occur on the island, so why the hell does Charles Widmore, Penny's father, appear in them?! Not only was he a bastard to Desmond, but he clearly has more to do with the story than that.

Right, that's enough LOST-ness, I swear. I just had to get it out of my system, and at the moment, Elliott and Andrew are the only people I can talk to about it. Seeing as they're not here ...

So, how has everyone's Saturday been so far? I was asleep until midday, when I went downstairs to discover Dad and Alec were just about to leave for Cambridge. I asked Dad to get my some shampoo, conditioner (mum's refusing to buy it for me, saying that I should spend my own money on it *shakes head*) and some more of my seaweed facial wash from Body Shop, as I've a feeling I'm gonna run out soon. So, I got back into bed and read book 10 of the Wheel of Time until about 1:45, then eventually got out of bed just after 2. Both kitties were in my room! That is a privilege.

Also, am I the only person who wants to be able to sit/sleep/live in a washing machine? They should make really large ones so that that would be possible. I remember always being really fascinated by our washing machine at the flat in Croydon. Those things are so cool.

Now playing: Mika - Love Today
via FoxyTunes

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