Sunday 9 March 2008

Baby don't sleep, baby don't eat, baby just like to do the boink boink

On Friday, I slept in first period, and came in for second to discover that Wilson wasn't in. So, I spent almost an hour talking to Charlotte Wright and Grace about our Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, my grandfather, our parents, and Charlotte's friendship group, which has split, and then Chess came in to bitch about Sammie Eastwood, so Grace instead read us a story that she and John had texted to each other the previous night, whilst bored.

Not really important, I know, but I enjoyed that hour, so I want to remember it. Those two can be annoying at times, but they mean well, and they're nice to me, so I'm cool with them.

I went downstairs just now to make a cup of tea, and discovered Coco in the middle of the room, hunched over a chicken leg. @___@ She must have somehow opened up the bin and pulled it out. Thing is, not only is it dangerous for animals to get hold of chicken bones, but it was my one, and if you know me, you'll know how much I demolish my bones in my meal. I strip all the meat and gristle and skin off and eat it all. There was nothing on there for her to eat! So yeah, mum has put the really heavy frying pan on the bin lid, so that she can't open it up again.
On my desk, I have a shot glass filled with sloe gin, which I will drink after my cup of tea. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the point in drinking it will be; I made the tea to keep me awake, but the alcohol will just make me sleepy again. Oh well, it tastes nice.

Okay, I know I've discussed LOST a lot these past few days, but I really can't get this out of my head, and I've been playing their exchanges over and over in my head, and - yes, I know I'm an obsessive - but I have to speak my piece. I have to talk about Harper. I mean, she was horrible to Juliet right from the off. Presumably she felt jealous of her or something, possibly because she was 'being treated like a celebrity'. Let's look at this first:

HARPER: Let's talk. So ... you've been here a week. And what's your least favourite part so far?

JULIET: I don't like being treated like a celebrity.

HARPER: And is that surprising? You're big news right now.

JULIET: Yes, I know. I guess I don't like being the centre of attention. It makes me feel isolated ... alone. (Chuckles nervously)

HARPER: Well, maybe you feel that all eyes are on you, but you're not a celebrity, and soon enough, you'll realize that you're no different than anyone here.

JULIET: Oh, I-I know. I-I never meant that I...

(Knock on door)

Poor Juliet really didn't mean to suggest that she was superior to the others, and yet Harper leapt to that conclusion, which really does make me think that she'd noticed the attention everyone - especially Ben - was paying her, and envied her because of it. Now look at the other flashback scene they later share, after Ben has started to get a hint of the affair:

HARPER: So, Juliet, what do you think of Ben?

JULIET: He's great. Uh, very smart ... and intense. Challenging. He's been really good to me.

HARPER: Of course he has. You look just like her.

JULIET: I'm sorry?

HARPER: And I see you and my husband have become friendly.

JULIET: ... Yeah. He's great. He's been really helpful.

HARPER: When did you start sleeping with him?


HARPER: Look, Juliet, I'm not an idiot. So just tell me. When did it start?

JULIET: Okay. (Stammers) I'm not doing this. We're done.

HARPER: No. Please respect me enough to spare me the pretense that you are actually offended. I know. I followed you. Watched you.

JULIET: (Whispers) I'm sorry.

HARPER: It doesn't matter anymore. But what does matter is that you listen to me and that you believe me. And if you continue to have a relationship with Goodwin, there will be consequences. I don't want him to get hurt.

JULIET: I would never hurt him.

HARPER: Look it, I am not talking about you. I am talking about Ben.

I just can't help but feel insanely sorry for Juliet, even in this scene. I mean, yeah, she's messing up a relationship, but from what Goodwin later says, it seems his marriage was already failing even before he and Juliet got together; he'd been sleeping on the couch for a year, he says. Despite this, Harper still seems to care for him - she doesn't want him to get hurt. But still - she watched them having sex? There's something creepy about that, other than just in the voyeuristic sense. The atmosphere in that second therapy scene was absolutely palpable, until Harper eventually confronted her about it, and then it was just ... terrifying. It doesn't help that she looks scary. I mean, she has a harsh face. She's not ugly. In fact, the casting call described her as 'beautiful in an unadorned way'. But there's something taut about her, with her hair pulled up, and her brows slanted. It's the way she always rises them. Questioning, almost as if she's always about to admonish Juliet. And look how upset Jules is by the whole confrontation. Here's the casting call for an actress to play Harper. Note that the character name has changed since this was released, but the description still seems to match exactly. Also, the possibility of her being a recurring guest star is intriguing to say the least; naturally, I am all for every episode being a Juliet-centric one, although that - unfortunately - is not going to happen. Still, it will be interesting if Harper makes a reappearance. Considering her very sudden exit, when Juliet and Jack came across her in the jungle, and the fact that she somehow managed to get a message from 'Ben', despite him being locked up by Locke (although not any more, of course), I think there is a fair bit we have yet to learn about her. And however much it destroys me, I still want to see more exchanges between she and Juliet. They provide great drama and angst.

mid 30s to early 40s. Female. She is tough, no-nonsense and beautiful in an unadorned way. She is a therapist by profession and yet could benefit from some therapy herself. The qualities that make her a leader and effective at seeing into other people also cause her problems in her own life -- she can be overly controlling and obsessive. Her strength of personality is undeniable. GUEST STAR/RECURRING

Now playing: Mika - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
via FoxyTunes

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