Thursday 28 February 2008

I'm so horny, but that's okay; my will is good

Oh! What's this, I ask? Could it perhaps-- well, maybe-- you never know-- I mean, of all the things-- but quite possibly it might-- no! really? well, if you insist. I guess, just maybe, it might be the--

Stepping around the man, Felix bent down, crouching beside him, but being careful to not touch the pooling blood. "What--?" he started. "Are you--? how--?" He shook his head, totally unsure of what to say. Hesitantly, he placed a hand on the man's arm, trying to alert him to his presence. "How did this happen to you?" he breathed.

The man continued to drag himself along the side of the road, crawling on his stomach, his clothes soaked from the blood from his wound, and from trailing in the muddy pool he was knelt in. Felix jumped back up and strode round to stand in front of the man, blocking the path he seemed to be heading along.

"Please," he said. "You need help. Can't you tell me what happened to you? Where are you wounded?" He crouched down again, but could not see into the stranger's face, for he had his head down, as though it would cause too much pain to even bring it up and see where he was going. Then, just as Felix was about to say something else to him, the man's body shook violently for a split-second, his head jerking from side to side, his torso twitching, and then his upper body crumpled, falling to the ground as his arms gave way. Bloody, muddy water splashed at Felix's ankles, and he felt it soak through his trousers, reaching his skin and chilling him to the bone; the knowledge that another man's blood was mixed in there was what haunted him.

The man was still moving - twitching mostly - but he had stopped trying to crawl his way further down the road now, and his face was buried in the mud of the path. Felix remained frozen, rooted to the spot, still crouching and staring at this pitiful creature.

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