Wednesday 19 March 2008

There should be an egg in here somewhere, and then we can make panm'cakes

Well, well, today was a fairly enjoyable day. I got to sleep in this morning, as I had two frees first. My mum woke me up at 8:20 with a chocolate croissant and a cup of tea! Yum. Then I stayed in bed until ten, reading Wheel of Time book 10. Then I got ready for school and briefly spoke to Matt and Kat over MSN, and young Matthew offered me a lift, so we got in to the Sports Hall car park just as break was starting. Scott and Rosie were the only ones in S2 when we got there, and then Ru got into school, and Natalie came down from the Common Room.

I had double film, during which we watched A Clockwork Orange. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would; it was actually quite funny in places, and the music score was great. Alicia kept groaning throughout, and looked as though she had gone to sleep at one point, so that was somewhat annoying. The film overlapped into lunch by a few minutes, but then I joined the others, to discover a very lovely looking Kat, with her hair tied back and earrings in her ears! I was singing 'Singin' in the Rain' as I strolled in, inspired by the end of the film, but then commented that "I probably shouldn't feel this happy having just seen A Clockwork Orange", which Rosie found quite funny. And Kat has seen City of God! I am impressed.
Most of us played cards as per usual, with Kat teaching us how to play Die Scott Die properly (I've no idea how to actually spell it), and then Charlotte eventually got in, though that was right at the end of lunch, so she didn't join in our game.
During registration, we received our photos, then Electives was very uneventful. Charlotte, Jess and I were briefly amused by an article on the BBC website about the most commonly used insults by school students, 'gay', 'bitch', and 'slag' taking precedence, apparently. Then Charlotte and I left at about 2:40, as we really had very little to do. She drove me home, and upon entering my bedroom (well, the upstairs part of it), I discovered that the lovely boy was curled up on my bed, which made me very happy, although he soon left.
I've been up here since, catching up on all the Wheel of Time information I've forgotten, and reading another chapter of book 10, before discovering that Richard was online and-- le shock horreur!-- happy?!

Now playing: Electric Light Orchestra - Don't Bring Me Down
via FoxyTunes


Unleashed Madness said...

Happy, indeed. Time to stop being an emo whorebag carrotface turdmuching arseface.

Also ... was the thing that had lots of boobs in A Clockwork Orange. I've kinda been wanting to see that anyway, and now that it has boobs ... well ... all the more reason to watch! I do love boobs. ^____^

Unleashed Madness said...

Also ... was the thing that had lots of boobs in A Clockwork Orange.
That should be a question. Damn you, blogger! It doesn't let me edit comments, fudge it.

Sophie said...

Considering it was the only thing I watched yesterday, funnily enough it was, yes.
Ah, but the question is, do you like rape and giant models of penises too? Because the film also contains that. Oh, and this equipment that keeps your eyelids open.