Monday 31 March 2008

I ... can ... hear the ... bells

So, Saturday was an awesome day. As you should all know, I received four tickets to see Hairspray in the West End, as my 18th birthday present from my parents. We had to wait until 29th March, admittedly, but the wait was well worth it; Charlotte, Kat, and my mummy were to see the musical with me, and Dad and Alec came down with us to London too. Of course, I got bunged into the boot of the car as we drove to the train station, as I'm the smallest >_<.
On the train, I learnt that you should NEVER eat love hearts whilst you have chewing gum in your mouth. You end up getting yellow ooze all over your face, and then your friends and random Chinese ladies laugh at you.

Well, in London, we went to HMV and then Charlotte, Kat and I went to the Disney Store next door, which I did not find pleasant. I haven't been in one of those stores for about ten years. There was an overwhelming amount of Hannah Montana and High School Musical merchandise, which stands for pretty much everything I detest.
Anyway, my dad then took us through Soho, which I was not expecting, so Kat and I saw all the Japanese places we had gone to two years ago, or whenever it was, when Rosie's dad took Rosie, Kat and I down to IMAF.
We also went into some cult memorabilia shop where Kat and Charlotte found a blowjob kit, and I marvelled at the Boba Fett stand-up cut-out (different priorities there, clearly). And Kat and I saw a mug with the same nun motif on it that is on my 'I feel a sin coming on' lipsyl that Rosie gave me, which makes me think that Rosie went in that shop too.
We visited Forbidden Planet while my parents went in some cook shop (my dad can't stand FP). In the shop window, somebody had put a V (for Vendetta) mask on a big Spiderman model. We then found loads more masks in the store, so while Kat and Alec were going downstairs, I took a photo of Charlotte wearing one of the masks. It's very scary. She also got very freaked out by the people in the store. For example, right behind us, a shop assistant came out of the the storeroom or whatever, with a Transformers gun replica or something (god knows exactly what it was) and a grown-up man said "yay! wait, before I buy it, can I hug it?" and then hugged it. The woman he was with laughed. Charlotte almost ran for it.
Downstairs, Kat found volume 10 of Ouran, and we all wandered round and round, with my parents eventually joining us too. Alec found a DVD for a film that has been banned in England and Italy for years; Killer Nun, with the tagline "at last the slut is uncut". Then Charlotte found some Nun porno DVDs.
It was a fairly nunny day.

Eventually, after various things were bought by various members of the party, we went to My Old Dutch, a pancake house that my mum thinks she went to her for her older brother's 21st or 18th birthday. I had apple and bacon in mine, then I had a small bowl of maple syrup to pour over it, which I cleaned out. I think Kat and Charlotte had curry in their pancakes, which is just odd. Then we waited for our food to go down a bit, so Alec and Mum had a big film fight. Eventually, we had our sweet pancakes, and Alec, Kat and I had sugar and lemon, but the pancakes (which were massive - you should have seen the size of the plates) were still really thick, so the sugar and lemon was barely noticeable. We didn't have much of those in the end.

Then there was the main attraction! We bought programmes and t-shirts (I wanted the black, but they'd sold out, so I got a pink fitted one like Charlotte's). The show was fantastic. Tracy was quite raunchy at times. And there was a great bit where Michael Ball and the guy who played Wilbur got the giggles during You're Timeless to Me and started ad-libbing lines:

"It's Jewish for 'kiss me again'."
"... I didn't know you were Jewish."
"You never can tell."
... ... "Actually, you can."

"Wilbur, I can feel the bells."
"You never complained before."
"I never noticed them before."

It took them a while to finish that song xD.

And Prudy Pingleton's "bad, bad hands" (she ended up groping Seaweed O___o) made me think of Hutchinson's magical hands, and Rosie's "hands! hands in bad places!".
There was a standing ovation at the end. Everyone in the stalls stood up, and we were in the Royal Circle and most people there stood up, except the grouchy people in the two rows in front of us, who clearly don't know a good time when they have it.

Kat got a headache, but Charlotte and I were fairly hyper on the train back. We sang along to the soundtrack on her MP3 player, a boy threw his phone at the door, and a man jumped awake when he heard us singing, and realised he had missed his stop, which was hilarious. Then I got bundled in the boot again :S. We got back to Audley End at about midnight, then dropped off Kat, so I got next to my mum in the car, then dropped off Charlotte, then got home. I craved some of my mum's tea, had a tiny bit, then went to bed.

Yesterday was alright. I finished chapter three of my fanfiction.
I have decided that I must accomplish something on every day of this holiday, which might start to get a bit difficult. I still don't know what to do for today.
Oooh, and I ordered some t-shirts, shorts and DVDs yesterday. My material urges came back, so I can't wait for all those things to arrive. And Kat, Charlotte and I are all gonna wear our Hairpsray t-shirts on the first day back at school. If Kat had got a pink one too, we'd be like the Pink Ladies from Grease. I baggsy Rizzo!

Now playing: Ultravox - Vienna
via FoxyTunes

Thursday 27 March 2008

You said you didn't want to be as ugly as me, but you are, so there

Yesterday, Matt and I had a double free, so we went to his house because he likes having an excuse for driving in, and I ended up playing Super Mario 64 on his Nintendo 64 for about twenty minutes, seeing as it was lying around. Then we drove back in and went to SPICE, where Karl taught us how to play Gin Rummy properly.
At lunch, because Matt and I had brought in his portable DVD player, ALL of us sat around it in S2 and watched his Top Gear in America (dunno the title) DVD. I mean all of us. Well, except Scott, who wasn't there. But yeah, that was very funny. Jeremy had a murderer's car, which he strapped a dead cow onto, and then reversed so that it fell off, which was really sick, but so morbidly amusing too. James almost drove into a river full of alligators, and we stopped watching just as they were driving through Alabama with messages like "Hillary for President" and "Man Love Rules OK" painted on their cars. We're gonna continue watching it tomorrow lunch.

Today, our Philosophy Synoptic exam finally finished. Yaay!
Ru, Charlotte and I stayed behind after shcool, as we were to set up the Amnesty Party. We were sat in Inger's office, next to the staff room and tutorial rooms, the sixty-five or so balloons we had (including Natalie's tiny booby one, and Charlotte's MASSIVE ones) covering the computers, and decided to get high on coffee. I think I absent-mindedly put about six teaspoonfuls of sugar in mine @_@.
The party was a failure, but Charlotte and I already knew it would be. We laughed a lot, though. It wasn't a party, but that didn't stop it from being really funny. Out of all the students in our school, only Sam Bayliss turned up, which I definitely cannot complain about. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Smith popped in, and Mr. Flett came in for some cake, as it was his birthday. Mrs. Smith kept asking me lots of questions, such as "do you know James Beckwith's phone number" and wondering if I could suggest anybody who really promoted themselves (it only makes sense if you were there at the time). Saffron Walden's Amnesty group head, Pam, turned up for a while too. Andrew Brown, Rosie's dad, was there too, as he was our 'sound technician'. Charlotte and I made the mistake of informing him that we had found beer in the staff room, and he kept suggesting that we go and get some for him, but we decided that was a bad idea. Ru stayed in the end, even though we had music playing. Rosie's friend, Eleanor, came too, which livened things up a little. Lots of balloons popped, which had Charlotte almost ending up as a bundle of nerves.
The party was supposed to last from five-thirty until seven-thirty, but seeing as everyone except Andrew, Rosie, Ru, Eleanor, Charlotte and myself left at six, there was little point in staying until that time, so Charlotte and I left at six-forty-five, taking some cake with us.

The lack of people attending was embarrassing, but at least I was a guest, and not an actual Amnesty member. And we saw bunny rabbits down in the gardens, and the wooden duck had returned to the pond.

And now that I have returned home, I have discovered, upon visiting IMDB that it is Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds from Serenity/Firefly) and Elizabeth Mitchell's (Juliet from LOST) birthday. Aww, happy 37th and 38th to them respectively.

Now playing: Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama Out
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday 19 March 2008

There should be an egg in here somewhere, and then we can make panm'cakes

Well, well, today was a fairly enjoyable day. I got to sleep in this morning, as I had two frees first. My mum woke me up at 8:20 with a chocolate croissant and a cup of tea! Yum. Then I stayed in bed until ten, reading Wheel of Time book 10. Then I got ready for school and briefly spoke to Matt and Kat over MSN, and young Matthew offered me a lift, so we got in to the Sports Hall car park just as break was starting. Scott and Rosie were the only ones in S2 when we got there, and then Ru got into school, and Natalie came down from the Common Room.

I had double film, during which we watched A Clockwork Orange. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would; it was actually quite funny in places, and the music score was great. Alicia kept groaning throughout, and looked as though she had gone to sleep at one point, so that was somewhat annoying. The film overlapped into lunch by a few minutes, but then I joined the others, to discover a very lovely looking Kat, with her hair tied back and earrings in her ears! I was singing 'Singin' in the Rain' as I strolled in, inspired by the end of the film, but then commented that "I probably shouldn't feel this happy having just seen A Clockwork Orange", which Rosie found quite funny. And Kat has seen City of God! I am impressed.
Most of us played cards as per usual, with Kat teaching us how to play Die Scott Die properly (I've no idea how to actually spell it), and then Charlotte eventually got in, though that was right at the end of lunch, so she didn't join in our game.
During registration, we received our photos, then Electives was very uneventful. Charlotte, Jess and I were briefly amused by an article on the BBC website about the most commonly used insults by school students, 'gay', 'bitch', and 'slag' taking precedence, apparently. Then Charlotte and I left at about 2:40, as we really had very little to do. She drove me home, and upon entering my bedroom (well, the upstairs part of it), I discovered that the lovely boy was curled up on my bed, which made me very happy, although he soon left.
I've been up here since, catching up on all the Wheel of Time information I've forgotten, and reading another chapter of book 10, before discovering that Richard was online and-- le shock horreur!-- happy?!

Now playing: Electric Light Orchestra - Don't Bring Me Down
via FoxyTunes

Monday 17 March 2008

I only wanted a little love affair

I stayed at home for first period today, as I got up late and wanted to wash my hair. So I sat about downstairs with my mum, who was nervous about her job interview (Essex County Council Libraries keep doing this crappy staff re-jig thing, so they can cut down on costs).

I got into school for Philosophy, in second period, and Haslam taught us for about fifteen minutes about a guy called 'Popper' (we really had no idea who he was), then let us go to work on our synoptic essays, as the first hour of our exam is tomorrow(!)
However, Ru and I went on the UCAS website, as we were both stressing out about University choices, for reasons I'd rather not go into.

Break was ... break, really. Quite funny, as Charlotte was telling the others about the drunken shenanigans she'd gotten up to on Friday night (she'd already told me about them over MSN the other day). Matt, Scott and I were supposed to be playing Pontoon with my cards, but I got so distracted whilst dealing them out that we pretty much just went through the motions of playing, but never got round to comparing our cards. Anyway, everyone's reactions were pretty funny when Charlotte divulged that Anne-Marie has had anal sex. Also, she, Matt and I agreed that playing Twister whilst drunk would be totally awesome, so we're going to try that when everyone's at mine, during our Easter holiday. Not that Matt would get drunk for it @_@.

Then there was Film Studies, for which Frenchy was absent, as she had all-day rehearsals for her drama exam or something. We had to do our City of God presentations, which I had totally forgotten about, but fortunately I still had my sheet on Benny (whom everyone loves), so that was alright. Andrew and I had more LOST-related discussion.

English was next, and we started looking at diachronic changes in advertising. There was a fantastic Ford car (£6 tax, as it kept reminding us) advert, that was published in 1937. I'm gonna have to quote some of it here, as it really was a joy to read it. The language was so much more creative than the crappy, elliptical Volkswagen advert from 1996 that we were comparing it with.

Amply powered for four and holiday baggage, picnic impedimenta and the like, surprisingly roomy, yet very compact in overall measurements, for ease of parking and garage away fro home, the essence of simplicity to handle over strange roads, smart but not ostentatious, with its famous weather-proof finish, and aboundingly economical to run and maintain, the Popular Ford will pay handsome dividends of service and pleasure.

How fantastic is that? My Firefox dictionary didn't even recognise the word 'aboundingly' (oh, the foo').

Then there was lunch. I was disappointed that Matt and Scott were in a lunchtime lesson, as my singing 'Diamonds Are Forever' doesn't have the same effect when they're not present. Charlotte told me about how Sam's friend, Chris, had placed down a three whilst they were playing Cheat on Friday, claiming it to be a King; it might have worked, had he not placed it face-up! But then that's what drinking neat Jack Daniels does to you.

Then there was Briefing. Mrs. Smith mentioned that if anyone wishes to provide entertainment for us on our last day, they should see her. For some reason, she mentioned that he Rugby lads could do so, if they wished. That might be a bad idea. As I said to Kat and Charlotte, knowing them, they would likely do some re-enactment of 2girls1cup.

Then Charlotte drove Kat and I home, as we had a free last. Charlotte informed us that one of the 'I Never ...' rounds on Friday night resulted in her mishearing the question, and as a result, Anne-Marie wondering if Charlotte had fingered me before. That was disturbing to say the least.

Got home and stuff happened. Been bored, really. Spoke to my mum a bit, looked through a book on elephants with her, and played a bit more of FFIII. Waited for ages for Richard to come online, and now that he is, he's not saying a lot. So, whooo, more boredom.

Now playing: Robbie Williams - Feel
via FoxyTunes

Friday 14 March 2008

Nik nak, paddy whack, give a dog a bone

Let it be known that Kat holds to her word. Today, she brought in for me a slice of the heavenly toffee cake that, though it be blasphemy, is only available in Irish Tesco branches. I just ate it. And promptly died.
Just before that, I ate the jam doughnut I'd bought from the canteen at lunchtime today. I was expecting it to be hard and to have very little jam, but oh my god, that was heavenly too; a great big goop of jam started coming out, so I shoved the whole thing in my mouth, and for the first time ever, I found myself eating a jam doughnut whereby there was enough jam to drown the dough.

And that is how good my life is at the moment.

Now playing: ABBA - Lay All Your Love On Me
via FoxyTunes

Sunday 9 March 2008

I've just realised I'm going to be posting about LOST again. Even though I can't type, and I can't see into the future

Okay, now that sloe gin has made me dizzy. I have pinched vision. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone, but that's how alcohol makes me feel. My arms are floppy, too. Wait, Claire has skinny jeans?! According to Kristin at E! she does, anyway. Yaay, and she agress with me taht the girlfight between Charlotte and Juliet was awesome. God, she's so right; Kate needs to get involved in one of their scraps too. Also, she has a girlcrush on Rebecca Mader. She admitted it in that video lower down on this apge ...

"Harper says Ben fancies Juliet because, she says, "You look just like her." Um, who? Who's running around with Juliet's face? And where can I get one? That girl is purty."


  • "It's very stressful being an Other, Jack." —Juliet
  • "This rabbit didn't have a number on it, did it?" —Ben
  • "These people base-jumped out of a helicopter. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt." —Juliet
  • "You're MINE!!! [Beat.] Take all the time you need." —Ben
  • "Gaaaah! Keep your creepy hands off of her, Ben! She's MINE!!!" —Kristin (shouting at TV)
I love life. Even though I can't see properly in it. Oh dear, i Can't type either. All the keys get pressed even though I don't rmember putting my ginfers onf them. Ginfers?! what?!

Baby don't sleep, baby don't eat, baby just like to do the boink boink

On Friday, I slept in first period, and came in for second to discover that Wilson wasn't in. So, I spent almost an hour talking to Charlotte Wright and Grace about our Life on Mars, Ashes to Ashes, my grandfather, our parents, and Charlotte's friendship group, which has split, and then Chess came in to bitch about Sammie Eastwood, so Grace instead read us a story that she and John had texted to each other the previous night, whilst bored.

Not really important, I know, but I enjoyed that hour, so I want to remember it. Those two can be annoying at times, but they mean well, and they're nice to me, so I'm cool with them.

I went downstairs just now to make a cup of tea, and discovered Coco in the middle of the room, hunched over a chicken leg. @___@ She must have somehow opened up the bin and pulled it out. Thing is, not only is it dangerous for animals to get hold of chicken bones, but it was my one, and if you know me, you'll know how much I demolish my bones in my meal. I strip all the meat and gristle and skin off and eat it all. There was nothing on there for her to eat! So yeah, mum has put the really heavy frying pan on the bin lid, so that she can't open it up again.
On my desk, I have a shot glass filled with sloe gin, which I will drink after my cup of tea. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the point in drinking it will be; I made the tea to keep me awake, but the alcohol will just make me sleepy again. Oh well, it tastes nice.

Okay, I know I've discussed LOST a lot these past few days, but I really can't get this out of my head, and I've been playing their exchanges over and over in my head, and - yes, I know I'm an obsessive - but I have to speak my piece. I have to talk about Harper. I mean, she was horrible to Juliet right from the off. Presumably she felt jealous of her or something, possibly because she was 'being treated like a celebrity'. Let's look at this first:

HARPER: Let's talk. So ... you've been here a week. And what's your least favourite part so far?

JULIET: I don't like being treated like a celebrity.

HARPER: And is that surprising? You're big news right now.

JULIET: Yes, I know. I guess I don't like being the centre of attention. It makes me feel isolated ... alone. (Chuckles nervously)

HARPER: Well, maybe you feel that all eyes are on you, but you're not a celebrity, and soon enough, you'll realize that you're no different than anyone here.

JULIET: Oh, I-I know. I-I never meant that I...

(Knock on door)

Poor Juliet really didn't mean to suggest that she was superior to the others, and yet Harper leapt to that conclusion, which really does make me think that she'd noticed the attention everyone - especially Ben - was paying her, and envied her because of it. Now look at the other flashback scene they later share, after Ben has started to get a hint of the affair:

HARPER: So, Juliet, what do you think of Ben?

JULIET: He's great. Uh, very smart ... and intense. Challenging. He's been really good to me.

HARPER: Of course he has. You look just like her.

JULIET: I'm sorry?

HARPER: And I see you and my husband have become friendly.

JULIET: ... Yeah. He's great. He's been really helpful.

HARPER: When did you start sleeping with him?


HARPER: Look, Juliet, I'm not an idiot. So just tell me. When did it start?

JULIET: Okay. (Stammers) I'm not doing this. We're done.

HARPER: No. Please respect me enough to spare me the pretense that you are actually offended. I know. I followed you. Watched you.

JULIET: (Whispers) I'm sorry.

HARPER: It doesn't matter anymore. But what does matter is that you listen to me and that you believe me. And if you continue to have a relationship with Goodwin, there will be consequences. I don't want him to get hurt.

JULIET: I would never hurt him.

HARPER: Look it, I am not talking about you. I am talking about Ben.

I just can't help but feel insanely sorry for Juliet, even in this scene. I mean, yeah, she's messing up a relationship, but from what Goodwin later says, it seems his marriage was already failing even before he and Juliet got together; he'd been sleeping on the couch for a year, he says. Despite this, Harper still seems to care for him - she doesn't want him to get hurt. But still - she watched them having sex? There's something creepy about that, other than just in the voyeuristic sense. The atmosphere in that second therapy scene was absolutely palpable, until Harper eventually confronted her about it, and then it was just ... terrifying. It doesn't help that she looks scary. I mean, she has a harsh face. She's not ugly. In fact, the casting call described her as 'beautiful in an unadorned way'. But there's something taut about her, with her hair pulled up, and her brows slanted. It's the way she always rises them. Questioning, almost as if she's always about to admonish Juliet. And look how upset Jules is by the whole confrontation. Here's the casting call for an actress to play Harper. Note that the character name has changed since this was released, but the description still seems to match exactly. Also, the possibility of her being a recurring guest star is intriguing to say the least; naturally, I am all for every episode being a Juliet-centric one, although that - unfortunately - is not going to happen. Still, it will be interesting if Harper makes a reappearance. Considering her very sudden exit, when Juliet and Jack came across her in the jungle, and the fact that she somehow managed to get a message from 'Ben', despite him being locked up by Locke (although not any more, of course), I think there is a fair bit we have yet to learn about her. And however much it destroys me, I still want to see more exchanges between she and Juliet. They provide great drama and angst.

mid 30s to early 40s. Female. She is tough, no-nonsense and beautiful in an unadorned way. She is a therapist by profession and yet could benefit from some therapy herself. The qualities that make her a leader and effective at seeing into other people also cause her problems in her own life -- she can be overly controlling and obsessive. Her strength of personality is undeniable. GUEST STAR/RECURRING

Now playing: Mika - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
via FoxyTunes

Saturday 8 March 2008

A prince is a pauper, babe, without a chick to call his own

Considering it's International Women's Day (apparently, anyway), I've decided I'm going to share with you all my favourite fictional women, as a sort of celebratory hallmark of strong females. There are going to be quite a few lasses here, no doubt, so I hope I don't forget any of them. There's no way I could order these in terms of preference. They're all so great, so I'll just leave it as it is. I'm going to limit it to TV show characters and book characters, otherwise I could go on about films and their actresses for all eternity.

Name: Nina Myers
From: 24, seasons 1,2 and 3
Pictures: One (tying Teri up, shortly before she kills her), Two (Possibly at her coolest-looking, here), Three (Jack points a gun to her head. He doesn't even know Teri's dead at this point, so Nina's lucky really, 'cos he would have squeezed that trigger without a single ounce of apprehension), Four (promotional image for season one), Five (working with Tony)
Why I love her:
She managed to convince Jack (and thus every single viewer, no doubt) that she was on his side, and managed to maintain her cover until the very end of season one. Considering she'd been working for Jack for a couple of years, and had been involved in a relationship with him, she did that pretty well. She is simply the epitome of feminine cool. She's tough and capable; she stands up to Tony and pulls rank on him whenever he starts getting antsy about Jack, which also shows that she can separate feelings (she was involved with Tony at the time) from her work; and she's also not afraid to stand up to her superiors, and totally ignore their orders in order to show her complete 'loyalty' to Jack. However, I constantly found myself feeling sorry for her. When Teri found out that Nina had been involved with Jack while he and Teri were on a break, you could feel the tension in that room between the two women. When Teri started making jibes about it, I wanted to run up and hug Nina. Then later, when that Alberta cow reminded her that you can "let them screw you, but don't let them screw you over", the look on Nina's face drew such sympathy from me. The thing is, I've no idea what her true feelings regarding the whole thing was. Considering she was a traitor for all those years, for all we know, the entire life she'd built up around her was all an act. Regardless, her betrayal cut me deep. I don't care about Jack or about the US government, but in that last minute of episode 23, at 2.30 in the morning, or whatever ridiculous time at which I was watching it, my heart pounded faster than ever before as the camera zoomed out to reveal who 'Yelena' really was. Now whenever I watch an episode of 24 with her in, my mouth goes dry and I get this overwhelming feeling of panic and worry, as I watch, helpless, knowing that her betrayal is now inevitable and there's nothing I can do to change it. She appeared in seasons 2 and 3, but as a character that is constantly shown to be 'bad' in those seasons, she's just not the same (and her hair was longer - it's much cooler when short). There's a great bit in season 3 where she has Jack tied to a chair, and kisses him to see if he can prove his point, but when he eventually kills her, I was able to cope. Just.

Name: Michelle Dessler-Almeida
From: 24, season 2,3,4 and 5
Pictures: One (in season two, she fancies the pants off of Tony. Despite the silly plot, at least it gives her an excuse to engage him in a secretive passionate kiss), Two (I really doubt she's enjoying her stint out in the field here, in season three, considering she gets kidnapped soon after), Three (and yet she still manages to take charge in Tony's absence - look at how everyone is looking to her), Four (season four promotional image. She wasn't in this season enough, quite frankly), Five (a lovely moment at home with hubby, just minutes before she gets killed by the bloody car bomb)
Why I love her: Well, season 2, she's got a new job at CTU, she's just starting to get along with her colleagues, she's got a lovely big crush on Tony, and she finds herself suddenly trying to save America from nuclear bombs. Anyone who does well under this kind of pressure deserves a commendation as it is. Okay, let's see what problems she and Tony have gone through. They had to save America/the world from various attempted terrorist attacks; Michelle had to continue working even after Tony got shot in the neck, then she had to work under quarantine in the hotel because of the high risk of her contracting the virus that had been let out; Michelle was then kidnapped and Tony had to betray government secrets to get her back, resulting in him going to prison for treason; when he was released from prison, he turned to alcoholism, resulting in Michelle leaving him; when Jack calls him in for help, he then discovers that Michelle has been seeing Bill Buchanan, even before they were divorced (but we later find out Bill is a lovely guy, and he lets Tony know that Michelle has still loved him all this time); then Tony gets kidnapped and Michelle finds herself in the same situation that got Tony put in prison several years beforehand - except she can't bring herself to do the same. It's alright, though - Jack and Curtis rescue Tony and he and Michelle are reunited and decide they will quit their job if it means they can be together. Then they bloody frickin' DIE. Well, Michelle does in the first few minutes of season 5, and Tony 'dies' later on in the season (when season 7 finally gets released next year, we will discover that he is in fact alive, and very very angry).
Now how's that for a sucky life? And yet love prevailed.
Michelle is beautiful; she is capable, even in the field, where she is not fully-trained to work; however emotional a day she is having, she can still just about keep herself together; and she has a sense of loyalty - just before she died, she and Tony had a small argument about going to help CTU. As soon as they heard the news about David Palmer being assassinated, she knew that CTU would need the resources she and Tony could provide, in order to deal with the situation; Tony didn't want to become involved with them again. It was his reluctance that meant he was not caught in the immediate bomb-blast that killed Michelle. I really would not have Michelle any other way. Well, except, y'know, alive still.

Name: Juliet Burke
From: LOST
Pictures: One (Jack starts off as her 'prisoner', but she makes him nice food, and - er - saves him from drowning), Two (Unfortunately, she cries a lot, because she's constantly hearing bad news or having nasty things happening to her. This is in Ben's kitchen. She threw a glass on the floor, and then collapsed on him. He looked very bemused.), Three (Ben, being the bastard that he is, has just shown her the corpse of her lover Goodwin, in order to inform her in no uncertain terms, of what happens to those men that 'take her away' from him. She starts crying again in a minute.), Four (I had to include this one because it has Charlotte in it as well. Juliet has accepted what C.S. Lewis and Daniel have informed her about Ben, much to Kate's chagrin; she wants a bit of revenge for being knocked out by Charlotte. So, Charlotte goes back in the The Tempest with Kate, while Jack and Juliet spend a little alone time. I love the expressions on their faces here: Charlotte's ready to mouth off against Kate, if it comes to a sarcasm battle, while Juliet's all calm and collected, despite the fact she's got a million dents in her head from her recent fight), Five (Ben has informed Juliet that if she lets Kate and Sawyer escape back to their island, he will let her finally go back home. So, determined to complete her task by whatever means necessary, Juliet kills Danny. Can you imagine if Miami-Juliet found herself in that situation? "I knew I shouldn't have gone to Portland!"), Six (this is when Ben first shows her her house in Otherville. What I don't understand is where was she sleeping for her first week spent on the island?! This scene is fairly awkward, but not as awkward as the one they later have, where she has dinner at Ben's.), Seven (Crying again. Even the best fertility doctor in the world can't save the pregnant women on the island, but that doesn't mean she should stop trying already.), Eight (She meets Goodwin for the first time, which seems to immediately cheer her up)
Why I love her: She is the epitome of epitome. She's like Michelle and Nina combined, but blonde. She's got Nina's edge, determination, and mystery (is she good, has she got Jack wrapped around her little finger, what is her ulterior motive?), but she's got Michelle's softness too, and emotional vulnerability. She's been used and manipulated, taken advantage of, and betrayed. It's no wonder she cries so much (I think she cried in at least three of her
flashbacks in the latest episode, even when she was confronted by Harper about having an affair with the latter's husband). Words cannot describe the extent to which I love this woman. Feelings cannot describe it. She is extremely capable and will do literally anything to get off the island (like killing her own kind). She's gone through such a transformation since she arrived on the island, which is instantly obvious when we compare her present-tense scenes with her flashbacks; she's stronger, more ruthless, and doesn't let her emotions get to her so easily. Character development is very very important to me, and her arc shows how much change she has gone through. This would be my desert island character. Mainly because I know she'd be determined more than anything else to help me get back home.

Name: Nynaeve al'Meara
From: Wheel of Time book series
Picture: One (there isn't a lot of fanart, but this is one of the best pieces I've seen of her)
Why I love her: She's a good poster-girl for feminism. She's bossy; smart; doesn't take any nonsense from anyone (remember the scene where she shoved Elayne's head in a barrel of water when she got drunk?); she's the most powerful wielder of saidar there's been for many Ages; and she'd like nothing more than to give Rand and Mat a good, well-deserved switching, which I am all in favour of. For once, men are the subject of sexism, thanks to Nynaeve, as she continually complains about and proves how pathetic, hopeless and annoying they can be. She shows she's not just a cold bitch like the Red Ajah, though, as she quickly falls in love with the lovely lovely Lan al'Mandragoran, despite the fact he's Morraine's Warder. Her insane power and ability to heal means she performs various acts that had previously been thought to be now impossible; she healed Siuan, Leane and Logain, all of whom had been stilled, so that they were once again able to draw on the One Power; she defeated one of the Forsaken, Moghedien, in battle, making her the first to do so since the time of Lews Therin Telamon, and then imprisoned Moghedien in Elayne's latest contraption.
When she first discovered from Moirraine Sedai what her healing abilities were all about, her fear of her power increased, and so she could only draw on saidar when extremely angry. If that's not a character flaw, I don't know what is. This bloody woman's feats have made me cry tears of joy (and I don't cry easily), and because she wasn't available for me to hug, I had to hug the book instead. It was an impulsive action, without premeditation. She is my love.

Name: Lilah Morgan
From: Angel
Pictures: One (Having a drink. This is when we first meet her. She's mysterious, beautiful, and we don't yet know whose side she's on. You know what's even better? She turns out to be a bit of a femme fatale, in this episode, and we all know how much I love those lasses.), Two (Wesley has rescued her, and now she's with the Angel Investigations gang, much to Fred and Cordy's chagrin, as can be seen.), Three (Angel, possessed by a perverted old man, seduces Lilah in his office, and they almost end up having sex on his desk. Seriously, they would make the hottest pairing ever.), Four (she stars placing bets when Angel's in the fighting ring, and this is still in her first episode), Five (she manages to hold her own against Faith, even, despite being shoved up against a chain-link fence by her, and threatened. What does she say? One of the best lines ever:
"Green ... is my favourite colour. I look good in diamonds and I love riding in limousines."
Why I love her: Like Nina, she's bad-ass, but with Lilah there's absolutely no question about it; we know she's evil almost straight from the start. She's ruthless and will let anyone take the fall for mistakes, even if she was the one who made them. She might find herself stuck in a fight, but she would never sacrifice herself for anyone else; all she cares about is her own survival. And yet, when she starts having one-night stands with Wesley, a slight change appears to come over her. Wesley doesn't think she's capable of loving anyone but herself, but even she seems surprised to find herself grateful of his efforts to save her. I like to think she did like him. Considering the ridiculous number of dealings she had with various demons, and how often she got into fights with Angel, as well as other dangerous situations, it's surprising really, that she survived for as long as she did. In the end, it was Cordy who killed her, or rather, Cordy possessed by the demon Jasmine, as a result of her brief stint in the realm of the Powers That Be. Now she resides for all eternity in the Wolfram and Hart branch that is situated in Hell. No jokes. Lawyers go to Hell.

And now that is it. There are plenty other female characters that I love, from various books, TV shows, films and so on, but these are the five key ones that really make me feel something. I'm aware that it is now Sunday, and thus technically no longer International Women's Day, but I'd only finished Nina's profile by 12:30 this morning and I wanted to go to bed, so that's why this is a little late. It shouldn't matter.

Share the love!

Now playing: Maroon 5 - This Love
via FoxyTunes

You know that we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl

Over the last few days of school, I found myself becoming inundated with praise from various teachers. Well, Smith, Greaves and Haslam. That made me feel good. But slightly awkward too.

According to my calendar, today is International Women's Day, which is always something to feel good about, I'm sure. I spent most of it watching series 2 of Life on Mars, though. I didn't get up until about half past twelve, I think (damnit! I better be up early tomorrow), but at least it has felt like a Sunday today (which means I have an extra day of weekend that my mind is expecting). I think the main reason for that is because mum is here (often she works Saturdays, so I'm not used to seeing her), although Dad's still in Sicily, so I'm not sure what that's all about.

Now I am on MSN, chatting away with Richard. We were initially talking about the programme, but then he suddenly brought up the fact that Erik lost his virginity in January, and obviously that's much more interesting, so we started chatting about that. Then the topic shifted to contraception, and now we're having a lengthy discussion about periods, about which Richard is learning a lot, it seems.

Last night, Mum, Alec and I went to Saffron Screen to see I is a Legend, starring Will Smith (and Alice Braga!). Before the film started, Alec and I were talking about LOST and BONES, and I was saying that Hodgins from BONES is a cool character, but the whole beard thing annoys me, because of my hatred of facial hair. Upon hearing this, my mum instantly asked "what about him?" and pointed down at Joe, who was working at the refreshment stand, and who happened to have a bit of stubble (she knows I know him from school; it wasn't just random). I was just like "oh, I don't mind, because he usually shaves it soon after", as dismissively as I could. What am I supposed to say to my mum and brother? "Actually, I have no problem with him having a day's worth of stubble, because he's horribly attractive, and - actually - one of the few men I don't mind having facial hair"? Hmm, no, I don't think so.
Watching the film with mum was a pain in the arse. Alec had already seen it with his mates when it came out a few months ago, so he knew what would happen and when, but mum lets herself gets too involved in these things, and she was constantly jumping at everything and exhaling loudly and sighing and gasping and bloody sucking through her teeth at the slightest movement. I'll admit, I was bloody scared in that cinema too (and I always feel so exposed sitting on those seats), but I used my head and figured out which scenes were meant to be jumpy and thus stared intently at one of the bottom rows of seats until the jumpy business was over. As a result, I only jumped about three times during the film, and one of those times, it was a result of mum's jumping scaring the life out of me more than whatever was happening on screen. Then she got all upset when Sam, the gorgeous alsation doggy, died. Even though it was so horrifically inevitable (presumably she hadn't been expecting it, though I don't know what that says about her).
We came out of the cinema, and she complained that she'd felt 'on edge' the entire time. Alec simply took the piss, and at first I criticised her for not having the sense to expect the worst, but then we got home, and I was kind enough to talk about the film nicely. So there, I do have some humanity in me.

I can't think of much else to mention right now. However, I shall leave you all with a cheerful reminder of how Charlotte's mouth moves faster than her brain:

Pooh got stuck in Rabbit's hole.

Now playing: Madonna - Material Girl
via FoxyTunes

Friday 7 March 2008

Pooh got stuck in Rabbit's hole

Rebecca Mader, who plays the awesome freighty, C.S. Lewis, in this season of LOST has to be one of the funniest people ever. Watch the above video. She cracks me up.

There's another video interview with her; she is talking about her dog, about spending Valentines Day single, and about what she looks for in a man. Even when she slips up and misunderstands a comment or question, she still manages to just smoothly laugh it off.

Anyway, I'm really happy, and she's partly the reason. Last night's episode of LOST was the Juliet-centric one that I've been eagerly awaiting for several weeks now. Well, it lived up to my expectations. Almost immediately, I felt really sorry for the lovely lass, as the beginning was set just a week after she arrived on the island, so she was still meek and submissive and just ... so lovely. She has a therapy session with a woman named Harper, who is instantly portrayed as a bitch, and I'd already figured that she was the wife of Goodwin, with whom Juliet had an affair (that's really not the sort of thing we expect her to do, now, is it? Just goes to show how much the island changed her). In her next flashback, she was crying again (okay, so first time in a while, but she always seems to be emotional in her flashbacks), and I just wanted to hug her. And then she met Goodwin for the first time.
Meanwhile, in the present, she and Jack are chasing down C.S. Lewis and Daniel, who have taken the gas masks and appear to be heading to a new Dharma Station, for some supposedly nefarious purposes. Kate comes across C.S. Lewis and Daniel, and gets knocked out by the former, which - as I mentioned in my previous LOST post - is just a hilarious concept. Jack and Juliet eventually find her, and while Jack is tending to her wounds, Juliet suddenly runs off (she has received word from Ben, through Harper, that she must kill the two freighties. Of course, this is a very sneaky tactic on the part of Ben (would we expect any less of him?) as Juliet probably would not have paid attention to the instruction if anyone but Harper had delivered it).
We find out about Ben's obssession with Juliet, which, frankly, I'm not all that surprised about; we've been getting hints about it for a while now. The scene where she goes over to his for dinner, to discover that it will be just the two of them there, was really really awkward for a moment, although - of course - she managed to keep her cool.
Anyway, what made me really happy about this episode was the scene where she and Charlotte had a big fight in The Tempest, the Dharma station where it turns out C.S. Lewis and Daniel were trying to remove the threat of Ben using some crazy biochemical weapon against everyone on the island. In the end, realising she'd been set up by Ben to kill them, Juliet let the two be, but it was awesome to see a girl vs. girl scuffle for once, in something, especially between two such cool characters. Too often we get men feeling a need to unleash their endless supplies of machismo on each other, simply to prove who's boss. This fight wasn't about ego. It was about being rivals, and having something to fight for that they both believed (I think it's just their personalities that clash, really. The way they treat each other just cracks me up). And Juliet won ^_^. She went back to shoving a gun in Charlotte's face - as you do - and then let Daniel get one with what he was doing anyway.
Then there was the Jack/Juliet moment, though the kiss was nowhere near as passionate as everyone was hyping it up to be. And now I've no idea what she's doing with him (although we can see by the grin on Ben's face at the end of the episode, as he wanders around Otherville freely - much to Hurley and Sawyer's chagrin and confusion - that he so has Locke wrapped around his little finger).

So why am I so happy? Well, because I love Juliet (even though she makes me so sad), we got to see more of Charlotte in this episode (PLUS BIG FIGHT WITH JULES), and because Rebecca Mader is hilarious. She giggles at everything, and makes a joke about everything. She's like me, but cooler. And she's right when she says a sense of humour is the most important thing in a guy. If he can't be arsed to laugh, then nothing's gonna be very fun, is it now?

Now playing: Donna Summers - I'm So Excited
via FoxyTunes

Saturday 1 March 2008

The rhythm of our conversation

A few more things I forgot to mention earlier, here.

Earlier, I went on the BBC website, as per usual. I discovered that Prince Harry has returned from Iraq. I never knew he was even out there. I got two news items out of one. It's like killing two birds with one stone, only I don't get a meal out of it.
Also on the BBC website was news of this guy who has thus far spent £47,000 I believe, on souping up his car. Here are the pictures. It's pretty hot, really. Still, with 29 speakers in there, you'd think he could have rounded it up to thirty, just for the sake of having an even number, right?

My dad surprised us somewhat this week by informing us that he would going on a business trip next week to Sicily. I say 'business trip' in the loosest sense of the phrase; for a start, he doesn't really know who he's going over there to meet, let alone what he'll be doing there, other than looking at oranges and lemons (I told him to be careful about getting his head chopped off). He knew about it a month ago, but hadn't really thought to go on it back then, as he thought it would be a waste of time, but then his boss told him to go, which is nice of him, really. Still, those are gonna be some lazy five days. Sicily is the island south of Italy, and when I visited Italy in February of last year, I went to Pompeii, which is in the south of the country, from where we could see the Bay of Naples, and the weather was gorgeous enough then, so slightly further south, and a month onward, he is gonna get some beautiful weather out there. I'm just gonna make sure he brings me back some limoncello.

That's all for now.

The other woman

Last night I watched the latest episode of LOST, which was very very sweet at the end. I've always loved Penny and Desmond, so the ending of The Constant made me very happy, but I was also shaking from worry. What's more is that Desmond's time-travelling took him back to when he was in the army, and thus lovely and clean-shaven and short-haired. He just looks a bit weird with his skin-tone, considering he's spent most of his life in rainy ol' Scotland, but I guess Henry Ian Cusick can't help being part Peruvian now, can he? What I don't get is how Daniel would know that Desmond would be his Constant. I mean, if Daniel were to time-travel back to a point before 1996, then he wouldn't remember Desmond back then.

I'm also really excited about the next episode, mainly because it is Juliet-centric. It seems that in her relationship with Goodwin, she was 'the other woman'. One of the things I loved about this week's episode, though, was her bluntness with C.S. Lewis. I mean, I'm loving Charlotte at the moment too; she's got a lovely British accent (and Rebecca Mader's from Cambridge, so not far away at all!) and she's tomboyish, so no doubt she can kick a bit of arse. But Juliet was totally impatient with her (while remaining so serene, of course) in the last episode, and it cracked me up.
Anyway, I'm all psyched up for a lovely Jacket moment in this next episode, quite possibly in the middle of a nightly rainstorm (from what I've seen of the sneak peeks, but that could just be to mislead me), and even though I'm determined to maintain that Juliet is on the Losties' side, I still can't help but think that she's simply got Jack wrapped around her little finger.
Also shown in one of the sneak peeks was Kate becoming very very suspicious of C.S.Lewis and Dan, finding them still holding onto the gas masks and about to question them when Charlotte knocks her out with the butt of her gun. Let's face it, Kate is no wuss. She's the most action-oriented female on the island. Juliet is very capable (she shot Danny; yaay!), but Kate's the one most likely to shoot some dude in the kneecaps as a torture method, so considering C.S.Lewis knocks her out ... well, Kate ain't gonna be happy about that. That just has me craving more information about Charlotte, too. Like, what the hell is she playing at, and what 'work' does she have to do on the island?
Last thing I have to mention about this upcoming episode; Juliet's flashbacks all occur on the island, so why the hell does Charles Widmore, Penny's father, appear in them?! Not only was he a bastard to Desmond, but he clearly has more to do with the story than that.

Right, that's enough LOST-ness, I swear. I just had to get it out of my system, and at the moment, Elliott and Andrew are the only people I can talk to about it. Seeing as they're not here ...

So, how has everyone's Saturday been so far? I was asleep until midday, when I went downstairs to discover Dad and Alec were just about to leave for Cambridge. I asked Dad to get my some shampoo, conditioner (mum's refusing to buy it for me, saying that I should spend my own money on it *shakes head*) and some more of my seaweed facial wash from Body Shop, as I've a feeling I'm gonna run out soon. So, I got back into bed and read book 10 of the Wheel of Time until about 1:45, then eventually got out of bed just after 2. Both kitties were in my room! That is a privilege.

Also, am I the only person who wants to be able to sit/sleep/live in a washing machine? They should make really large ones so that that would be possible. I remember always being really fascinated by our washing machine at the flat in Croydon. Those things are so cool.

Now playing: Mika - Love Today
via FoxyTunes