Wednesday 7 May 2008


Yesterday, I only had three lessons, and one of those was on the field in the end, because of lots of crazy room changes. So when I eventually got home during lunch-time, I sat out in the back garden on one of the deck chairs for three hours and got very sunburnt. I had a delicious roast guinea fowl baguette for my lunch, though.
Today, I only had the one lesson, so I stayed to sit in the Rose Garden again for second period and break, and then I went into town and met my mum. At midday, we collected Nanny, then drove to the Axe and Compasses in Arkseden, where I have not been for AGES, and we all had a delicious fish pie for lunch, which means I don't have to have dinner. I was wearing Alec's pilot shades all day as well, so I felt cool. So yeah, we were out for a few hours, and near Clavering and Jamie Oliver's parents' pub, there's this place where we got a new office chair for mum to sit on at her computer.
Alec said his drama exam went really well, which is good, because in his mock the over week, they were all a bundle of nerves apparently, and it went quite badly. But in the actual exam this afternoon, he said it went perfectly, so I'm pleased, because mum and I were worried for him. Also, he keeps calling me 'Boss' or 'Bossman' at the moment, which is a bit bemusing. Oh, but he let me watch more X-Files last night, so I finished the last six episodes of season three. He doesn't know I watched that much, though, so don't tell him. I heart Scully more than should be allowed, quite possibly.
Erm, my first exam is next Friday: AS English Language resits, at the ungodly hour of 8:45am, which means I'm going to have to get up earlier than 7:50 for once >___<. Then I don't have any more until the fifth of June. We finish school on the twenty-third of May, though, which is terrifying. Life as we know it is going to be very different. Also! There is going to be a new Weezer album! I was talking to Andrew the other day, before he and Elliott spammed by Facebook with '@_@' smilies, and drew Godzilla images of me taking over the internet, and I discovered that he also loves Weezer. Anyway, their third self-titled album comes out next month, and it's being dubbed The Red Album, because, well, it's red. First single to be released is Pork and Beans. Go here to listen to it. Now this is all surprising news to me, as their last album came out in 2005 and then they temporarily split to do other things. I hadn't realised they had rejoined already, let alone recorded a new album. So yes, I'm happy. Weezer have been with me since year nine, and new music from favourite bands is always exciting.
Hmm, yes, over the weekend, I had no voice, and had to speak in a whisper. I still can't speak very well, and certainly can't sing along to my musicz. Because I was ill, I didn't want to pass anything onto baby Melina, so I didn't get to see my cousin :'(. My mummy took photos and video of her, though, and she looks adorable. Can't wait to finally meet her. I helped Josh catch a Pikachu when he, Jojo and Minna stopped off at ours on Saturday, and he was very pleased with me. Mum and Alec were in Cambridge, so it was nice to spend time with just Josh without kiddo around. He's such a lovely, polite lad when there are no other kids around.
Lastly, today in our English-turned-free period, Megan and I created a new friend. Our class had followed Wilson to one of the science classrooms where we discovered that he was doing SATs stuff again. John was fiddling with a balloon that for some reason was in a tray on the teacher's desk. Now, surely balloons are for year two science classes? Anyway, I picked up the other one, a blue one, and then when we left the classroom, I realised I still had it on me. So Megan drew a face on it with her silver nail varnish and asked me what we should call him. The most obvious answer was 'Richard', so that is what we named him. So when the others arrived at breaktime, I introduced them to Richard, and told them about how the feel of rusty spoons against his fingers is almost orgasmic. In THE voice. But then we realised he has no fingers, so instead Richard likes the feel of rusty spoons against his face. He was being a very naughty boy today, rubbing up against my bare legs, and not shading my knees against getting even more sunburnt. Would you like to meet him? I suppose you would, wouldn't you? Here he is. So yes, he was tied to my handbag all day, to stop him from running away. I must have looked a bit weird walking into town with him tied to me ...

Now playing: Weezer - Beverly Hills
via FoxyTunes


Unleashed Madness said...

Richard the Balloon ...

Cute face.

Sophie said...

Ha. Yes, I wanted a simple design. One eye is wonky, though. I think he has a nervous twitch.