Thursday 22 May 2008

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside

Well, the past week has been a little unusual. Had my last ever Greaves lesson on Tuesday, and my last ever Wilson lesson yesterday (I wound him up about how he made our Year 11 class a cake at the end of Year 11, and yet for the end of Year 13, he'd only made us a Language Change crossword. Then I looked at Megan's WANTED poster that Fraser had stuck up really high behind Wilson and asked the class at large if he was wearing the same tie in that photo as they one he was wearing in the lesson, and they all looked and laughed, and so then Wilson realised there was a big poster of him up behind him, and got very defensive about the 'LEGALLY DISINCLINED' comment).

Because I only had two morning periods yesterday, Mum then picked me up at break and we drove up to Norfolk to collect Minna, and took her to Southwold for lunch. Mum went paddling in the sea, which is mental because it must have been freezing, and I took photos of the pier, awesome beach huts (2), and the waves. Minna bought a dress in NOA NOA, but lost her sunglasses, and then we went walking up and down the street, checking out various art galleries and so on. We eventually left, and stopped for a cup of tea at Minna's and then Mum and I didn't get home until half-eight last night, by which time I was really tired (it was really windy walking along the beach, and the seaside always makes you tired anyway).

Today was our last day of lessons. At the end of Film, we gave a clap, which was rather anticlimactic, and Hansard was handing out a few goodies to those who answered his questions correctly. I correctly translated 'Les Mistons' to 'The Brats', so I asked what the 'booklet on the representation of women in film and TV' was like, because that sounded similar to what I'm going to write about for one of my exam questions, and Jess called out "Sophie, they're not going to be naked", which understandably induced a lot of laughter, though it was a bit awkward 'cos I wasn't sure if anyone was going to take it seriously. Talking of lesbianism, Rosie came out today, though I'll mention that in a minute. But yeah, the booklet turned out to not be what I hoped it would be (and no, that wasn't porn), so I gave it back to Hansard at the end of the lesson, but he said that I should still have a prize, so he gave me his copy of the Observer's film magazine.

Then we had Philosophy, during which we had to keep sending Haslam out, as Helen and Jane were still wrapping her presents, we didn't want her to see her Orchid, and we were all still writing the card (with Jane's hilarious drawings of us all on the envelope). Eventually, Amelia turned up, with BANANAGRAM, and Haslam brought in a load of doughnuts and chocolate. We played BANANAGRAM, with Amelia and I managing to win both matches just at the end - Helen had played before, so she, Jane and Haslam sped through, but Amelia and I are good with words, and she apparently had played it about twenty times last night with Eloise, her younger sister. I don't know how Ru and Nick did.

At break, I wrote my personal message to Natalia in her autograph book. I'll be bringing in my own tomorrow, of course, along with my camera.

Then Philosophy again, and we played another of Haslam's philosophy card games, which was even more difficult this time. At the end, Amelia dragged Katie Pink in from the corridor, and we gave her our cameras and phones to take class photos of us. Philosophy by far is the smallest class I've ever had xD.

Ru, Charlotte and I then had a free, so we stayed in S4 after Philosophy, and they wrote and drew on the board with a super strong sharpie that they both got slightly high off. I had a big cuddle with Ru, and then spent most of the hour writing a long message in her autograph book, which ended up being over two sides long.

At lunch, I discovered that our year photos had been available for a few days, so I went up to the office and retrieved mine, then swapped with Ru and Nat the little portrait photos. Kat and Matt are supposed to bring in theirs tomorrow so I can swap with them too. We all swapped stories about our High School experiences, and reminisced on what we remember from our shared lessons over the years. Even Natalie and Matt were able to share a few opinions, as a lot of the kids that went to Matt's primary school then went on to Newport Free Grammar (grrr), which is where Natalia went to High School. Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, Rosie decided to inform us right at the end of lunch that she is a lesbian. Right after I joked that she had lost her virginity, to which she responded, "yes, I lost my virginity to Gerry and his meat" (we were all plagued by horrific images at that point), she then said "no, I haven't lost my virginity, and I never shall, as you shall now discover". Except, once she had said it, were all just like "yeah" and Ru said "they already know! I told you they knew" and Rosie seemed a bit bemused and told us she wanted us to accept it seriously, instead of as a joke, so I figured I'd speak up for the group and was like "yeah, Rosie, we know, and we have accepted it seriously. We don't care; be what you want". Immediately after, Charlotte looked up and was like "what?", as she'd been reading Natalie's autograph book and hadn't heard. But then Flett walked in, so Charlotte had to ask me in a whisper if Rosie had just said what she thought she had. So yeah, we're all cool with that. We figured it out ages ago (let's face it, staring at my cleavage for half an hour whilst lunching at The Olive Garden kind of gives it away).

Lastly I had English with Smith, who had been bringing lots of different cakes for her classes today, so we made tea and had cake and chocolate and Pringles (actually, that was just me). We got Flett to take photos of us all, and slowly everyone trickled out, so in the end it was just Smith, Megan, Alicia Grey, Grace, Chess, and myself, chatting about Uni and the end of the school days and so on. Charlotte Wright had a hockey stick that had been painted by Frances, which is to be presented to Mrs. Cox as Sixth Form's leaving gift, and she was getting as many people as possible to sign that, so I did. Mrs. Smith claims that she can see me in Film Production, or working for a TV station or something, because, I'm "organised and creative". I laughed it off and told her that I am really not organised, and Megan vouched for me, so she said that I'd certainly been fooling her for at least the past two years. Megan has been crying all day, and kept getting very teary and annoyed whenever somebody mentioned that it was "the last lesson ever". Then it was the end, and we all wandered off.

Megan and I met Ru and Rosie in reception, and then we spent an hour touring around the whole school, including all the corridors, Maths block and Sixth Form block. We left out Tech Block and the Sports Hall, but we went all around the rest, in rooms I haven't even seen for years, reminisced about all the crazy things that we remember happening in them. Actually, it was mostly me reminiscing. Megan was still crying, Rosie wasn't really that bothered, and Ru was just fairly quiet. But Rosie and I took the opportunity to slag off the display work in C13 one last time, like we used to back in the days of Year 11 breaktime. Unfortunately, E2, our form room in years 7 and 8, back when we had Miss. Collett, is no longer in existence; it became a part of the canteen extension a few years back, so we weren't able to go in there, but I did get a gorgeous photo of the Rose Garden.

As we were leaving school, I saw Alec outside the Tech block, who was just finishing his after-school detention. He said he was going into town before going home, so I went on my way. But when I got home, I realised I didn't have my key. It was too hot to go into town, and I knew Alec would be back soon enough, so I sat on the doorstep and started to read the magazine Hansard had given me in Film (see how it all worked out there?).

Now I need to figure out what I'm to wear tomorrow for Chilford Hall; Smith said to dress how you would for a wedding, but the last time I went to a wedding, I was thirteen, and hated dresses, so I wore a purple suit. Although the suit does still fit me, I don't think purple suits me anymore (I'm amazed it did back when I was thirteen). I'm thinking of wearing my black dress, and perhaps the purple jacket if it looks okay on me, but if I do that, then I can't wear any of my heels, because neither blue nor turquoise go with lavender. I think I shall have to ask my mum what she thinks I should wear, because I'm not able to figure anything out.
Dad left for another business trip today, this time to Sardinia. He'll be back on Saturday, but it means that - as he said to me last night - Wednesday was the last day he would ever wake me up for school, and he's been doing it for the past thirteen years, so that is weird.

Anyway, season 6 of 24 arrived from the library today, so I'm off to watch that now. Alas, Michelle and Tony absence makes me very sad, but it does at least have Bill, and Morris and Chloe are funny, and Audrey is in it briefly, though from what I understand, she's in captivity in China and in a pretty awful state, which is majorly saddening.

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