Thursday 8 May 2008

I really hate common phrases

Stuff happened at school today. Not a lot. I got burnt more. At lunch, it was just Matt, Megan, Scott and I. Scott was being a hobo during period four, lying on the bench in lots of clothes which should just be outlawed in the summer, and talking about pizza. So yeah, at lunch, just us four continued to sit out in the Rose Garden. It was all very boring. Eventually, Matt drove Megan and I into town, for which I'm grateful, and dropped us off at the entrance Church Street, from where we walked to the Museum. A group of people from our class, plus Mrs. Smith were already there, sitting out on the grass, but immediately I headed in the opposite direction, so of course Megan had to stress out. Oh gosh, I should never think to do something a bit different, should I? So, I even had to tell her that I would join them all in a minute, but nooooo, she still had to accompany me, as if I'm a child that isn't responsible for their actions and doesn't really know what they're doing. In truth, I was actually looking for the houses on the back of museum, because one of them is no. 32 Castle Street, my old house. Made my way through the undergrowth and eventually saw my old bedroom window. Brought back some memories. I wandered around the grounds, remembering all the times Alec and I used to play around there as kids, on his skateboard, playing football and stuff with Harry Wrigley and so on. Or even the time it snowed heavily and we hid behind the wall and when mum walked past, threw snowballs down at her on the street below. So anyway, I haven't actually been there for a bout five or six years, and definitely have not been inside the museum for about seven years. I wandered around inside with Megan, Daisy and Alicia Grey, but they eventually sat down, so I continued going around on my own while everyone congregated in the benches area. I found the lovely stuffed fox that I always used to stroke, and that made me very happy. Oooh, and Daisy and I pointed out the stuffed lion to Alicia, as she has never been there. I remembered the time when Holly Bacon once jumped out of the mummy room at me and terrified the life out of me. At about 2:50, we all met outside again, and then the nice lady who works at the museum, who I recognise from the times I did activities there, told us a bit about writing the displays, which was helpful.
That was a nice trip. We had to pretend that we had all met there by chance, somewhat randomly, because Smith couldn't be bothered to get permission forms from us just for a half-hour long trip, so when we arrived, she thanked us all for not getting run over by busses. Then I decided that there was no point in triangulating the town by walking all the way back to school to walk home with Charlotte, so I texted her to say I would be walking straight home, which makes more sense. We all traipsed into town, then went our separate ways, as I entered the library, hoping to find my mummy. I didn't, and I couldn't be bothered to ask, so I just went home, and saw Mrs. Smith as I was nearing the Common, so I walked through the car park with her, talking about the museum, then she found her car and I continued on my way.

So yeah, that was really the highlight of the day. It was pretty boring otherwise. Ooh, but I finally got my Shocking Cinema essay back in Film and I got 17/20 marks, which is one mark over an A. Feeling pretty confident about the subject, I just need to do a bit of revision for our FS5 mock tomorrow, seeing as I haven't studied A Bout de Souffle or City of God in a while.
Peace Out.

Now playing: James Marsden - The Nicest Kids in Town
via FoxyTunes

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