Sunday 27 April 2008

Do you know what you are? A great, big, outer-space dunce.

Being the naughty towel that I occasionally am, I haven't updated here in a while. So, I'm thinking: ooh, perhaps I should, yeah? Thus, we have General Shnophie reporting for duty.
Yesterday, Kat came over for a few hours, with some of her Gamecube games, and we did a fair bit of multi-player, with Alec joining in for the last hour or so. Then in the evening, he, mum and I went to Saffron Screen to see Juno, which I've been wanting to see for about six months, so that was all very satisfying.
I'm also happy because of the insane number of TV shows that are running at the moment. LOST, Scrubs, Ugly Betty and BONES have returned from after the Writers' Strike; season 2 of Code Geass is now showing, as is season 4 of Doctor Who; and there's another show which I started watching the other day, which I'm not going to name, as it hasn't received exactly the best of reviews, but I like to indulge myself every now and again.
As for what else I've been up to; I have come up with a new story idea, as inspired by an unusual dream I had, which I believe most of my friends are now familiar with; I've been playing a lot of Fire Emblem on the Gamecube, since I managed to find the game at a lovely reduced price in Gamestation, last weekend; and lastly, school things have been kind of busy, I guess. In Philosophy, our class had a bit of a confrontation with Haslam, and all involved got a bit upset, and we all felt guilty, so we got her a card and box of chocolates to apologise, and now we've been having some very good, useful lessons. I'm also pleased with myself, because in the mock paper that we did do, before this spat, I got 37/50 marks, and got a special mention when the papers were handed back, even though I'm the worst in the class. So yes, that made me feel good, just before lunch on Friday. That is no doubt a very high B grade, which is the best I've ever done in Philosophy, which fills me with confidence. As for Film Studies, we have a Shocking Cinema essay due back soon. I find Film essays stupidly easy, and they've been going very well so far, so I'm confident this one was fine, also. We discovered our coursework grades earlier in the year, and Frances and I somehow got exactly the same marks in all the parts of our coursework, even though the only thing we worked together on was our film. So yeah, we managed to just get an A grade, which is quite different to the C we both got in the coursework last year - I'm thinking that says something about Gordon. Anyway, Andrew is currently top of the class for this year's grades, which he thinks must be wrong. English is going stupidly well; I've been getting some really good essays back. The only issue I've had was the mock Editorial Writing paper we did during the last three days of this past week. It wasn't bad, but it was more difficult than I was expecting. I apparently wrote a model answer for my last Language Change essay, and received a top A grade for that, which was very pleasing. As for the subject as a whole; as long as I revise for my AS resits, and do well in those, even if I don't do amazingly in Editorial Writing, I'll still be well on my way for an A grade overall, in the subject, which is good. Still, I find myself somewhat envious, upon discovering that A-level English Lit and Lang students next year will have Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on their curriculum. I would own at studying that!
Lastly, I'm now freaking out about the Sixth Form May Ball, which takes place on Friday evening. I have my dress, shoes and invitation all ready, so that's sorted. I just need to sort out make-up, hair, and probably a handbag, too. Fortunately, I already own matching jewellery. Even Ru is going, as her mum thought it would be a good idea, so she's slightly nervous about it, but I joked that I would be her date, and hold her hand the entire evening, if she wanted. Also sweet, is that Matt is planning on asking Frances to be his ball-date. Hmm, so yes, I have much to prepare for Friday, as the event looms ever nearer! At least I don't think I have any homework due for the moment.

1 comment:

Unleashed Madness said...

<3 you for using the towel phrase. ^^