Tuesday 19 August 2008

Oh my God - it's a runaway!

I got mum to create a blog and add me as a contributor so that we can keep in touch via bloggings while I'm at Uni, seeing as Facebook practically makes me come over in a cold sweat whenever I even think about it. So, naturally, I made a perfectly awesome first post, and then figured I ought to post it here also, even though I think most of you have already seen the clip that I wrote about, and discussed it with me. It's too good to not share out again, anyway.

I like sharing things. Well, actually I don't. No, I do. Well, I like making people aware of the existence of a certain thing, and then reminding them that I was the first to know about it, which invariably results in them having no choice but to bow down to me in an act of complete and utter deference. So what do I have to share with you all today? Why, something totally awesome, of course.

Everyone loves a good giggle, right?

This has been a good year for comic book movies, so far. I would call them 'superhero' movies, except neither Batman nor Iron Man actually have any super powers - they simply rely on charm, teh monies, and a box of scraps (that last has to be roared angrily). Box office records have been smashed and snooty peeps have been shown that comic books isn't just kiddly escapism; there's, like, death, and wars, and um, playboys and stuff.

Which is just as well, really, considering the genre hasn't exactly received the best rap, in the past. I can't lay claim to ever having seen the whole of Supergirl (1984), which is a shame, because the one clip that I have seen from this film suggests to me that it is a chuckle-worthy romp through badder and badder-er. It's not camp in an Adam-West-as-Batman sort of way; it's just nonsensical. I discovered the clip over at io9 and immediately showed it to a bunch of friends, who all had the exact same reaction, more or less at the exact same time, which was essentially, "WHY IS THE MAN CRAWLING ON THE FLOOR?! RUN, MAN, RUN!"

What bemuses me the most, however, is Supergirl's utterly mundane use of her powers. Not only is she sitting around doing bugger-all in some diner while her boyfriend gets chased about by the runaway digger (you really have to see to believe), but then she super-runs (it probably actually is called something like that. I mean, Superman actually has a super-weaving ability, so it wouldn't surprise me) through the diner as though she has just realised how much time she has wasted, and figures she ought to make up for it. This is completely negated, however, by the fact that she then apologises to a waitress for being in a rush.

She then goes through a super-hair-colour-change and then, most bizarrely of all, shoots lasers out of her eyes to put out some dangerous sparks that are undoubtedly about to start a fire in the middle of the street. I'm sorry? What? Lasers + sparks does not equal nothing. It probably equals something along the lines of freaking lightning bolts or something. I really think that Supergirl needs a tactician to guide her in her actions, a bit like how the characters in the Fire Emblem game series are controlled by you, so they don't screw up and get massacred by bandits. Seriously, if this scene from Supergirl was available to play as a chapter in some turn-based strategy game, I would have Supergirl find a hose somewhere, instead of flying through that huge water tower and damaging it to such an unnecessary extent, make her spray out the tyre fire with the hose, then pick up one of the tyres and bash it about on the sparking cables a bit until they ... stop ... sparking.

Also, listen out for some of the things that are said in this clip. "Oh my God! A leg!" makes me giggle like a giddy school-girl. A leg?! Oh, sheeeet, you're kidding me. Where did that come from? Of course, the most perplexing line is the second-to-last: "A storm dragon?"
No, it's-- it's not--that's not-- just no.

Lil' Inez: "Miss, may I please audition?"
Velma von Tussle: "Aha haa, no of course not, but you may bow and exalt, for I am Miss. Baltimore Crabs"

Now playing: Robbie Williams - Feel
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Unleashed Madness said...

Strangely, the way that guy tried to escape made me think of the way I have tried to escape from things in my dreams before. o_o I just realised that.