Thursday 14 August 2008

Gaaah, awesomesauce is tired

Okay, there was this thing where we had to throw a surprise party for Ru's birthday, which was yesterday, so it was like "gaaah, party stuffings!" and then her dad got arrested the night before so we were like "zomg, will the party still be on?" and it WAS, so I had to tidy my room like mad because it was being hosted at mine but didn't have time to sort out my clothing so it got dumped all around my bed, and yes, that is ALL OF MY CLOTHING THAT HAS EVAR EXISTED, ON AND AROUND MY BEDDINGS. Rosie, who arrived at one so we could prepare, can't have been to many parties, for her idea of snack food is caviar and RYE BREAD and sour cream so I scoffed all the banana fritters. It was her, scene-Charlotte, Ru and myself to begin with, then Frenchy arrived about half-five. We were very tired, but I don't know why. Charlotte left at six, then Rosie at half-seven, so Ru, Frances and I sat on all my cushions and had nice times for a few hours and all the party poppers had been left off so there were streamers everywhere. Ru eventually left but Frenchy was staying over, so she, Alec and I decided we would watch The Terminator but we had to watch it in Alec's room, because mine was such a mess. We had no dindins, because mum and dad were out all day, at the beach, and then at some pub in a place called Felsted, celebrating their 20th Anniversary, so we just cooked some sausage rolls and Cornish pasties and shared them and while they were cooking, talked about films and Alec told us about Universal snapping up the rights to the Wheel of Time books, so we were like 'WTF?'. Then we watched the awesomeness that is The Terminator and then mum and dad got home, so we talked with them for a bit, then they went to bed and our film ended at half-twelve. I managed to clear A space in my room for Frances to sleep although we stayed up until two, talking about stuffs. I must have been very tired, because I said how much I hated "Mand and Rat" from WOT, and then this morning I told Frances that I would have a look for her "banana bottoms" instead of her pyjama bottoms :P. We woke up and went on the UCAS website to check if we had got into our Universities, because her cousin told her that you could do that after midnight and we were like "yaaaay" because we had. Then we walked to school and the results came out at 10 and we got there about quarter of an hour after that and I saw Ru, and Charlotte, and Matt, and Frances went to talk to Jane and I did not see her AT ALL AFTER THAT, so she must have gone to work shortly afterward or something. Megan appeared WITH HER MUM, who - for some reason - she must always have with her on Exam Results Day, and for some reason, she was crying before she had even got the results so it was like "gaaah, can't be bothered to talk to you" and then people gradually left so I went into town with Rosie and Ru. We went to Rosie's and were there for about twenty minutes or so, talking to her parents, and my mum called just as I was texting my results to my dad so I spoke to her and we tried to find out Eleanor's results, but some stupid woman at her school had just said to her "oh well done darling, you got 6 As" and then hung up without telling her how she had done in her AEAs (I know - she took a ridiculous number of subjects, but that's private school for you) and then we went into the centre of town because I still needed to deliver my mum's sandals to her, which she had asked for this morning in a text that woke me up and then we went to Golden Butterflies and treated ourselves to chocolate and it started raining so we were like "aaargh" and ran under some trees on the common. I texted Kat, but haven't had a reply yet, and then we ran up to a bench up the top of the common. We were there for maybe 15-20 minutes, but started to get cold, so we went to Rosie's, listened to Jake Snake parts 1 and 2 being read out, got Ru to join Encycloclique and then went down and made a selection of things for lunch, so I had pasta, tomato pesto sauce, fried rice, and fried chicken kiev which was very nice and filling and then we went back up and I showed them the legendary Supergirl clip and then we watched the last few minutes of the OC season 2 ending, which according to Eleanor was ridiculous and then we watched a spoof of it from SNL, which had a cameo from Shia LaBeouf. Then we somehow ended up combining "Mmmm, what you saa~aay" with "a storm dragon?!" and Jake Snake, and lay on Rosie's bed, very tired, and making silly jokes, and then listening to 'Endlessly', 'Unintended' and 'Escape' by Muse and being silly and awesome simultaneously (very few people can pull it off). Then I went home at about 4:15, because I had to be back for when Frances came to collect her sleeping bag on the way back home from work, except it is now 5:57 and I'm not sure where she is.

I've been avoiding coming home all this time because my room is such an abysmal mess. I'm tempted to post the pictures here, but fiddling about on photobucket trying to host them is the least appealing prospect right now, so screw that. I started to lose my voice last night from talking to much, so that combined with sleepiness and the fact that there is like NO clean crockery in our house because we used so much at the party and all the leftover food is still out in my room - all that is making me like "ORZ, ORZ" so yeah :P.
OH, my actual A-level grades. Yeah, that might help. English Language was an A, Film Studies was an A, Philosophy was a C, General Studies was a B, and obv I got the D in History last year after taking it all early, so that's like a huge wank'splosion in the face of GCSE-A-level prediction grades, considering they were like "oh, A*s in English and an E in crappy ICT thing means that you're capable of getting BBCC at A-level" and I was just like "mmmy, what you sa--" no, I didn't say that, actually. I hadn't heard that song by that point in my life.
I still need to look at the specific module grades and figure out HOW well I did :P but yeah, Bangor University here I come.

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