Thursday 28 February 2008

Here we go creating another fable

Japan has really cool manhole covers.

I've been up since 6:30 this morning; I got up early so that I could continue with my Film Studies presentation and script. I never managed to finish it, though. I left the house at 8:06 this morning (hope you're reading this Charlotte) and upon entering school, rushed up to the Study Centre so I could print off my script, or rather what I had so far written of it. There was quite a congregation of people from my Film Studies class up there, all for the same reason as I, even though most of them weren't on the roster to present today. Elliott and I were walking to Film when we saw Andrew ahead of us, so I called to him "Andrew, how long is yours?", right across the picnic area, before realising that I should probably change it to 'how long is your presentation?'
Elliott's presentation on chroma key was first; then there was Andrew's, which was on the relationship between Hollywood and foreign films, which I found interesting, mainly because of several new things I learnt (but I've forgotten them now, damni-- oh, no, I've remembered one of them now); then was Adam's, but his overran into second period a little, so he didn't get to show any of his clips even. I'll be first on Monday, which I'm pleased about. I have no issue with doing a presentation, but I was so desperate to not do it today, seeing as my script was still incomplete. Also, going first means that I don't have to rush it like Frances and Adam did (... I'll ignore that).

Because first period overran, I was late for Philosophy and found the classroom empty, so I went up to the Study Centre to find Ru emailing Haslam to ask if she could have the rest of the day off to continue writing her synoptic essay >___<. I sat down at a group of desks where Kat and Rosie were seated and started making notes on my essay. We had break, then we returned (I had another Philosophy lesson, which is always up there anyway), continued working during that period, then Kat and I stayed for our free as well, during which Charlotte joined us and had many many difficulties with some question she was trying to answer in her Maths work. It turned out she'd got the wrong number of 'x's. So yeah, I spent three hours on my bloody synoptic essay, and somehow managed to avoid seeing Haslam about it (although she came over to me at three different points to ask how I was doing and to inform me that I could go see her when I was done with what I was doing). I should probably make sure I'm prepared to see her tomorrow, really.

It was the Matt-Nat-Scott-Rosie-Sophie lunch today, an anniversary of the one where we had a big argument about Patrick Mankins. As per usual we just played cards. Well, apart from Natalie, who was worried about her exam statement of entry.

Last period I had Editorial Writing, and we finished the practice essay we started yesterday. I had plenty of time to work on it today, considering I wrote so much yesterday, but I was still over the word count by about hundred words, 'cos I didn't know what else to cut out.

Then I walked home all on me larry, 'cos Charlotte had to go to the bank where the woman who wanted to seduce her was.

Now I'm bored because nobody's online, I can't be bothered to watch Notes on a Scandal, and Mill and Nietzsche's views on conventional morality are just not what I feel like describing, illustrating or evaluating, right now.


Lilminion said...

I didn't get seduced by the woman at the bank, in fact I was only in there 2 minutes, which, if she was seducing me, would have been a pretty poor attempt!
Is there any time that Natalie isn't worrying?
Oh, I like your reply to I'll show you yours if you show me mine!!! Can you mis places your boobs or your penis though? Lol

Sophie said...

If it was only a two minute meeting, what the hell did she want you to do?

Yeah, Natalie really was concerned about this thing it said at the top. I just don't get how everyone knows the dates of their exams and stuff. All I know is that mine are all in June. I just briefly scanned it, then Douglas wanted us to give it to him.

I should imagine that it would be quite difficult to lose them, but you were the one who said it wrong in the first place, so don't expect me to know xD.