Friday 13 June 2008

A not so peaceful start to the night

So, I wanted to write about this, as it was quite a traumatising situation for me to be put in, but I can't be bothered to type it all out in detail, so I'll just paste the conversation I had with Sephos about it.

Sophie says (15:13):
Sephos says (15:13):
Sophie says (15:13):
Coco ate a bird last night @_@
Well, most of it.
Sephos says (15:13):
A living one?
Sophie says (15:14):
Well, she killed it first. But she brought it up to my room.
I was lying in bed, starting to fall asleep, and then I heard her coming up my staircase, beside me. I could also hear this weird flapping sound.
Then she went around the room and started meowing weirdly, like she wasn't opening her mouth.
So I got up to have a look and saw that there was a bird in her mouth, still alive and flapping its wings as it tried to escape.
Sophie says (15:15):
Then I realised that my other cat was up here as well, and Coco was growling at him to leave her, because it was her kill.
So I went down to my parents' room,a nd they were still awake, and asked for their help.
My dad and I scared Coco downstairs, by waving a towel at her. first, she went under my bed, which made it difficult, but eventually we got her to go downstairs.
and she ran intot he garden with the bird, so i shut my door all night.
Sophie says (15:16):
but then i went into the garden alittle while ago, and under the table out there is a half-eaten little bird with ants crawling all over it >___>
Sephos says (15:16):
Rather gross.
Go Coco.
Sophie says (15:16):
I know!
Sophie says (15:17):
I would have just picked her up and taken her down, but I didn't want her to open her mouth and drop the bird on my feet @_@
Sephos says (15:17):
So your room was filled with bird blood and gore? o_______O
Sophie says (15:17):
no, just a few small feathres.
it didn't bleed or anything.
But outside, there is only half a bird with its guts hanging out.
when Coco came up here today, she ate some of the small feathers off my floor >__>
Sophie says (15:18):
i'm just glad i didn't see her eating hte bird
Sephos says (15:18):
Is it a bad thing she ate the bird?
Sophie says (15:18):
not necessarily.
just gross
and annoying that she lef the other half lying around in the garden
Sophie says (15:19):
i mean, it was nice of her to bring a gift to me and all that, but i really could do without a panicked injured bird flapping around in my room
Sephos says (15:19):
Make the other cat eat that.
Sophie says (15:19):
especially when I'm about to SLEEP >__>
nah, he wouldn't now taht it's not fresh.
besides, i don't think he eats the animals they kill

Now playing: Muse - Starlight
via FoxyTunes

Friday 6 June 2008

Things We Lost In The Hoover

No, this is not a film that supposedly catapulted Halle Berry back into classiness after the sassy-basketball-cat-fun of FAILDOM that was Catwoman (because you guys don't seem to know a lot about films, I'll clarify: I'm referring to her 2007 film Things We Lost In The Fire). This is literally about things my family have lost in the hoover. It's a very short story though.
So, my mum had the day off today, which was nice, though of course it did at one point give her the opportunity to tickle me >__<. She decided to take the hoover bag out into the garden, snip it open, then go through it to look for one of her amber earrings. I joined her. We didn't find the earring, but we found various bits of paper and plastic, and most noticeably a paintbrush and a pair of knickers.

Yeah, that's pretty much the story.

Now playing: James Marsden - The Nicest Kids in Town
via FoxyTunes